Good News - November 2022
Good News • South Florida Edition
77 NOVEMBER 2022
VIRTUAL OFFICE SERVICES Need to take your office virtual? Hosting Red Servers & Serv ices offers a Virtual Datacenter service, VPS Servers, Private Clouds and Hosting in cloud for mat for High availability needs. Call Anderson at 785-658-0833 or visit TIM GRABOSKI ROOFING Energy & Roofing Solutions – Get hot air out of your attic with Solatube! Save on your electric bill! Call 866-FLA- ROOF Or visit
AUTO REPAIRS For full service auto/tire repairs and maintenance call Giant Tire &Auto Repairs, 1917 N. S.R. 7, Margate, FL 33063 at 954-971 3733 or visit GiantTireAn AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK President and CEOGinger Mar tin is committed to serving every customer with integrity and expe rience, call American National Bank at 954-491-7788 or visit BANKRUPTCY FORCLOSURE DEFENSE John D. Segaul has over 26 years of bankruptcy experience. Call for a Free initial consulta
MARBLE & TERRAZZO RESTORATION/ FLOOR CARE American Stone Kare is a qual ity marble & stone restoration co. w/ over 25 years in the stone trade. We restore floors, vanity tops, showers & work on mar ble, granite, terrazzo, ceramic, porcelain, Mexican clay, satur nia, travertine, limestone, etc. Call Michael Novick at 954-935 5977 or 561-391-6362. TAX&BUSINESSCONSULTING For financial peace of mind, call Miguel J. Rodriguez, CPA of Rodriguez, Kinzbrunner & Company, LLPat 954-680-6114 or visit
tion, payment plans available. 954-424-3600 COMMERCIAL ROOFING Best Roofing is South Florida’s #1 Commercial Roofing Con tractor. Contact us for a free roof audit at 1-888-892-BEST or email PROFESSIONALATTORNEY Bankruptcy & Foreclosure De fense, Immigration, Credit Restoration, Civil & Business Litigation – Call Elias Dsouza, Esq. Attorney at Law at 954 358-5911 or visit for a free ini tial consultation
C-Suite Advising, M&A, Con sulting, Capital Management, Financial Management, We guide companies in all stages of maturity and operating condi tions. Call 954-653-1071 or visit ENROLLED AGENT AND IN COME TAX PREPARATION Enrolled Agent and Income Tax Expert – Available to assist in preparation of individual, small business and corporate tax re turns. Additional services in clude powers of attorney and back tax issues. Mitchell@theIRSsecretAgent.c om 954-279-9669
You’re Invited To An Open House!
e f Save the dat or our Westminster Academy has a stro $ $#"! # $ $ # $ in a caring community where each s It is within this community that less friendships are forged, and worldviews together to create a unique opportuni #" ! $ #" # # $
Fall Open House on Tu ng tradition of competitive " # $ " !$ " $!! tudent is known and loved. ons are learned, life is lived, are formed. All of this comes ty not found anywhere else in $ # that will open ho openhou
esday, November 15, at $ " # # # " !! # #" # $# $ . T impact your child for a lifetime o re use, schedule a tour, or learn more, ple se or call 954.815.0131 for more inform
6:30 p.m. #" $ #" gister for our fall ase visit ation.
Stats from the Class of 2022 (69 students)
community se vice 19,300 hours of r
44% earned 12 or more college credits
s glory eparatory school dedicated to equipping covenant students to excel by using their gifts and talents for God’ ed, biblically-based college pr estminster Academy is a Christ-center W .
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