Good News - November 2022
Wants to Know…
This month Good News Wants to Know... What’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched? My attention was amazingly ar
rested by the documentary/movie “ENEMIES WITHIN: THE CHURCH” (2021). The film powerfully calls the church to purge and purify itself from the poison of Marxism and the Social Justice Gospel. Bernard King Sr., Pastor, Cornerstone Bible Fellowship Michael Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine” forever changed the way I thought about gun control. Bob Denison, President, Denison Yachting A tough one for sure! To me a good documentary is measured in part on the impact it has on those who view it. I'll go with a recent one in “My Octopus Teacher.” My wife and I haven't viewed certain seafood the same way since!
Bob Denison
Brian Mudd
Char Talmadge
Chip LaMarca
Chris Lane
Chris Simpson
Bernard King
A documentary I watched a couple years ago that affected my husband and I deeply was about "The Negro Motorist Green Book." This was a travel guide published by Victor Hugo Green to help Black families know where they were safe to travel and safely find gas, food and lodging along a road trip and was used until the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964. This documents just one of the daily racist lifestyles facing the Black community at that time. Dolores King-St. George, President, King Communications and GraceNet Radio “Free Burma Rangers” is a documentary of the most unconventional and risky humanitarian work I have ever seen. A group of ex-military soldiers and journalists capture the raw and gritty reality of persecuted people groups and put their lives in harm's way to lead them to freedom. Doug Sauder, Pastor, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale There are so many fascinating documentaries I've seen it would be tough to pick a favorite. Although I would not say favorite but definitely most interesting would have to be a solid tie between "Clinton Cash" and "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party." It changed my view of 21st century pol itics in America forever! Eddie Vega, Pastor, Fuel Life Church The documentary which I write about was more tragic than interesting. I was filled with tears as I watched and at times anger at what I saw. This documentary was on the atrocities done to the Jewish people at the time of the Holocaust. Having personally visited the Dachau prison camp in Munich and the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem a few years ago made the documentary so much more real. Lord, in spite of this tragic and traumatic event, I still believe that Your plan is still good. I believe Romans 8:28 is still a reality as well as Jeremiah 29:11. Jesus, looking forward to Your return. Luke 21:28 Fidel Gomez, Pastor, Calvary Chapel Hollywood “America; Imagine a world without her” by Dinesh D’Souza. It was a heart felt defense of our nation and how we were founded! Fred Scarbrough, DVM, Founder, Scarbrough Animal Hospital and HOPE South Florida The documentary “The Social Dilemma” really caught my attention by showing how manipulative and destructive social media is and how dangerous it can be, especially to the younger generation. Gregg Wallick, President, Best Roofing, Inc . One of the most powerful yet completely heartbreaking documentaries I’ve seen many times is “Schindler’s List.” With the chaos in our beloved country now, every-
Brian Mudd, Program Director and Host of The Morning Rush The Brian Mudd Show, iHeartMedia
My response is more about a "compelling" documentary as it was a heart connection to sex trafficking and the redemptive power of Christ: “Nefarious-Mer chants of Souls.” Char Talmadge, Executive Director, Rescue Upstream The most interesting documentary that I have watched is the three-episode se ries about “Abraham Lincoln” by Doris Kearns Goodwin on the History Channel. This story about the 16th President of the United States depicts President Lincoln and his leadership and dedication during the most challenging time in our nation’s history and its bloodiest war. Chip LaMarca, State Representative, Florida House District 100 Growing up in South Florida and being a football fan, I would have to say “Catholics vs. Convicts” an ESPN 30 for 30 documentary about Notre Dame vs. Miami. Chris Lane, President, First Priority of South Florida National Geographic’s “Secret Service Files: Battlefront Colombia” fasci nated me. I had just finished a five-year assignment as the USSS Diplomatic Attaché to Colombia, where much of the footage and all of the operations de picted were actually my cases! Seeing so many of my Colombian team's hard working men and women recognized for years of dedicated and dangerous work was incredibly satisfying! Chris Simpson, President & CEO, CBMC International “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix. H. Collins Forman, PA Many exceptional documentaries have been done. One of the more inter esting and educational is “The Social Dilemma.” It raised our awareness and rad ically altered our online activity for the good. Craig D. Huston, Huston Consulting Group, LLC The most interesting and faith building documentary I've ever watched is Darren Wilson's "Father of Lights." Originally a skeptic, Darren became convinced of God's presence and power while documenting reported miraculous events around the world. Amust see for anyone wanting to experience more of the Truth of Who God is - the same yesterday, today and forever! Deborah Cusick, FAU Campus Volunteer, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
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