Good News - November 2022

Good News • South Florida Edition OUT AND ABOUT

55 NOVEMBER 2022

Habitat for Humanity Kicks Off “Women Build”

Business leader and phi lanthropist Rita Case chal lenged other extraordinary South Florida women to meet a dire need in our community— and those leaders rose to the occasion. During the recent ground breaking ceremony at “The Rita Case Women Build”, this pow erhouse group committed to sponsor eight new homes at “A Rick Case Habitat Community” in Pompano Beach, bringing the total number of completed

homes in the community to 66. The women are united in their commitment to provide decent, safe, and affordable housing to the underserved in the area. Since its launch in 2002, Habitat Broward’s “Women Build” program has engaged, equipped, and empowered more than 1,000 women to fund and build 52 homes throughout Broward County. Women Build is a global move ment that seeks to empower women to support women and

families in need of affordable housing. The need is great in Broward, the nation’s most cost prohibitive community for af fordable workforce housing. Habitat for Humanity of Broward’s CEO and Executive Director, Nancy Robin said that by coming together to sponsor and build these homes, the Women Build leaders were standing up for the 92 percent of Broward residents who can not afford to own a home.

From left to right: Lily Pardo, Michelle Murphy, Marcy Falcone, Ann Marie Dunn, Rita Case , and Sharon Gustafson-Florescue.

And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. –Ezekiel 36:26

Join us for Sunday Worship Service Times: 11:00 am & 6:30 pm Nursery available by reservation. Sunday School: 9:30 am Men’s Bible Study: Wed 12:00 pm Women’s Bible Study: Fri 9:30 am

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