Good News - November 2022

The Good News exists to provoke readers to make a positive action in their communities and beyond.

Largest Christian Newspaper in America • • November 2022 • Volume 24, Issue 8

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Good News • South Florida Edition

Preaching to The Choir

South Florida Edition • Good News • November 2022 • Volume 24, Issue 8 C O N T E N T S PERSPECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . .8 The Juggler and the Conductor – by Stephan N. Tchividjian IN THE WORD . . . . . . . . .10 Our Unchanging God – by Franklin Graham REFLECTION . . . . . . . . . . .12 Inside the BLUE Margins – by Darren Bennett PARENTING . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Are Family Traditions Important? – by Dr. Bob Barnes & Torrey Roberts LIVE THE LIFE . . . . . . . . . .16 Living Legacies of Thankfulness and Faith - by Lisa May YOU ASKWHY? . . . . . . . . 18 Giving Thanks in All Circumstances! Really? – by Dr. Tommy Boland HEART AND SOUL . . . . .20 University And Local Business Partnerships Bring Great Results – by Dr. Debra A. Schwinn THE CODE . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Roots of Recession: The Arrogance of Our Age – by Dr. O.S. Hawkins FAITH AND VOCATION .24 Followership – by Patricia Colangelo LEADINGCHARTITIESAND FOUNDATIONS 2022-2023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 - 56 INSIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 How to Find Joy – by Rob Hoskins GOOD NEWS WANTS TO KNOW 60 – 62 What’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched? ENCOURAGEMENT . . . . .64 Father Knows Best – by Omar Aleman LEGAL Q&A . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Avoiding Disputes, Litigation and Alternation Dispute Resolution – by William “Bill” Davell and Paul Lopez VILLAGE HYMNS . . . . . . .68 Eternity Is Written on Our Hearts – by Grace Coleman CALENDAR . . . . . . . .72 - 73 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . .74 - 77

When I was a young kid, a conversation withmy grandma was something like: “Grandma, remem ber you said…” And you could fill-in most any request or comment with her response, the response of a broken EnglishRussian-Jew immigrant “Vot vas, vas” followed bymischievous rumbling laughter. She was a soft touch for me, one of perhaps 16 grandchildren but undoubtedly her favorite. I was the poster boy for a precocious boy, or maybe a con child? “Vot vas,vas” is the lament of an older person who’s seen a lot, which only comes with the experi ence of age. We see a lot every day, but does it register before we’ve seen it many times to draw a com parison, so that we learn something from the multiple experiences? If I knew then what I know now. A rock-solid template for success is obedience to the lessons taught and learned. Exodus 19:5 states, “ Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth ismine,” when all distinctions and ranks are to be transcended, and Revelation 14:12 says, “This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.” Obedience to lessons learned when we are open and faithful to believe.

Leslie J. Feldman

On The Cover Good News Salutes Leading Charities and Foundations 2022-2023 in the cover photo shoot graciously hosted by Pastors David Hughes, Tom Albright, Fred Uhl and the talented team at Church by the Glades. Front Row (L-R): Kevin Enders, President and CEO, 4KIDS; Chris Lane, President, First Priority; Joyce Lello Feldman, President, BiG Children’s Foundation; Marilyn Brummitt, Vice President, The Caring Place; Rev. Ronald Brummitt, President, The Caring Place; Stephan Tchividjian, President, National Christian Foundation South Florida ; 2nd Row (L-R): Rick Aspden, CEO, Faith Farm Ministries; Kelly Miller, President and CEO, Cross International; Lisa May, Executive Director, Life the Life South Florida; Major Stephen M. Long, Area Commander, The Salvation Army of Broward County; Rick Weber, President, Sheridan House Family Ministries, Inc.; Sean Stepelton, Trustee and Director, Festus and Helen Stacy Foundation; 3rd Row (L-R): Antony Tchividjian, Assistant Director, Calvary House; Hamish Reed, Executive Director and Founding Partner, Elite Foundation; Nancy Robin, CEO and Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of Broward; Robin Martin, Executive Director, Rebuilding Together Broward County, Inc.; Dr. Mary Drabick, President, South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary; Oksana Horton, President and Artistic Director, Torch & Trumpet Theatre Company; Desmond Cook, Area Director, Fellowship of Christian Athletes; 4th Row (L-R): Steve Solomon, Area Director, CBMC South Florida; Charlee Tchividjian, Founder and CEO, Every Mother’s Advocate; Dr. Ted Greer, Jr., CEO, HOPE South Florida; Joy Wright, Executive Di rector, Hope Women’s Centers; Brad Schmidt, Lifework South Florida Director, Lifework Leadership; Dr. Teo Babun, President and CEO, Outreach Aid to the Americas, Inc.; Ed Raine, CEO, Food For The Poor; 5th Row (L-R): Scott Carson, Associate Director, Church United; Tewannah Aman, Executive Di rector, Broward County Right to Life; Dr. Jennifer O’Flannery Anderson, President and CEO, Community Foundation of Broward; Jon Laria, Chief Financial Officer, OneHope; David Killian, Executive Director, Palm Beach County Youth for Christ; Coleen LaCosta, Executive Director, Speak Up for Kids of Palm Beach County, Inc.; 6th Row (L-R): Dennis DeMarois, Executive Director and CEO, Gathering Palm Beach County; Tiffani Dhooge, President and CEO, Children’s Harbor, Inc.; Suzanne Marcellus, Founder and President, House of Protection, Inc.; Tina Rains, Founder, Masterpiece Women; Yvonne Haase, Co-Founder and VP, Suits, Stilettos and Lipstick Foundation; 7th Row (L-R): Criss Bertling, VP and Founding Board Member, Women Impacting the Nation; Tom DeRosa, Executive Director, Creation Studies Institute; Adriana Gonzalez, Vice President, Flourish Your Faith Ministries; Daniel West, Founder and Executive Director, Restoration Bridge International, Inc.; Susan Michael, USA Director, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem; Mark Dhooge, President and CEO, Kids in Distress and Family Central; Kirk Brown, CEO, HANDY, Inc.; 8th Row (L-R): Sara Nunez, Executive Director, Pace Center for Girls, Broward & Palm Beach; Tierra Smith, Executive Director, Prevention Central; Chris Gentile, Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County; Tia Diaz-Balart, Executive Director, Youth For Christ Miami and Fort Lauderdale; Abby Mosher, Founding CEO and Executive Director, Tomorrow’s Rainbow. Enjoy our 6th Annual “Leading Charities and Foundations” Thanksgiving Edition with a special shout out to another work of ex cellence Church By The Glades as this year’s host venue and especially Pastor David Hughes and Pastor Fred Uhl for the ex traordinary warmwelcome and a taste for their theatrical flair. I know the fifty plus charity leaders appreciated His house at CBG as did the Good News, it made the day very special for everyone. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Les Back in the early 1990’s I had a regional sales manager in Texas, but first I must lay some context; Kenny Singer was and is a good looking prematurely silver, gray white haired young guy withmany enormously gifted talents. He was one of my sales managers and my publication was of course PLAYBILL ®, serving theaters with audience programs. Kenny turned in a rather large advertising contract for multiple Texas theaters which was the good news, but it included a hefty premium for back cover placement and the ad vertiser was Chick-fil-A. What is a Chick-fil-AI asked? Kenny explained the amusing tale that we know all too well now, but never heard of themway back then. I said, “thanks but no thanks,” and said reluctantly, “They can have an inside position, but no way a back cover premium and all,” fearing it would send a contradictory message to other advertisers that were clients and were much coveted in our very up-scale theatre high ticket audience. A fast-food restaurant that was also closed on Sundays? Nah. Kenny insisted they were… but they really weren’t, breaking into a spirited song and dance rendition of “Fiddler on the Roof” of Tradition!! Kenny was Tenor operatic and a fill in Cantor at his small Shul, the guy wearing that funny pirate elegant looking Cleric Biretta. I’m no push over; inside the book they go or not at all. You’ll see Kenny scolded me, “once they start opening Chick-Fil- A stores all across the country, you’ll see how different they are!” Yeah, I thought, don’t hold your breath waiting. I findmyself repeating “Preaching to theChoir” more often than I’d like to admit. So, I can’t help parable thewisdomof commitment to excellence in all that they do, especially the support for the Kingdomand the steadfast unwavering commitment to Sunday worship. National Mall owners at first refused to rent space to Chick-fil-A, claiming “Every mall tenant opens for Sunday business,” but quickly altered leases “except for Chick-fil-A.”

Good News • November • Volume 24 Issue 8

Publisher: Leslie J. Feldman Editor: Shelly Pond Advertising & Marketing: Robert “Buddy” Helland Jr. V.P. Sr. Marketing Manager Bill Harvey Director of Special Sections

Art Director: Milton McPherson Social Media Manager: Ariel Feldman

Advertising: We reach over 110,000 readers each month. 80,000 in print and 30,000 via our online digital edition. Placing an ad in our publication is affordable and effective to help grow your business. Call us today! Distribution: Available inmore than 800 locations throughout South Florida. To become a free distribution point for the newspaper, please contact Shelly. The Good News is published by Good News Media Group, LLC, Reproduction in whole or part strictly forbidden without the consent of the publisher. Editorial Assistant: Eric Solomon Cover Photography: Justus Martin

Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Good News Media Group, LLC. PO Box 670368, Coral Springs, FL 33067 954-564-5378 •



Good News • South Florida Edition

The Juggler and the Conductor

I’m intrigued by both the juggler and the conductor, though I prefer the latter. Lately I have been experiencing both in my life. I feel that I’m often juggling many various responsi bilities, and like a good juggler, my goal is to keep the items I’m juggling from hitting the ground… just keep “em movin.” However, I sense that I’m also conducting the lives of those that fall within my purview. A conductor simply is trying to take talented noise and guide it towards symphonic beauty. I sense both in my life and perhaps you do too. The juggler The juggler intrigues me on several levels. Usually, when I’ve encountered a juggler, it’s

- Stephan N. Tchividjian - National Christian Foundation President

in a somewhat festive environment, perhaps a circus or a “Mallory Square” type of sunset. A juggler catches the attention of the audience, usually by surprise, with his or her act. The oohs and aahs can be heard as the juggler manages to juggle various items that don’t naturally exist in the air. Sometimes danger is im ported, such as fire or a sharp blade, which naturally elicits more oohs and aahs. I wonder why does the juggler do this, what purpose is there in juggling these

Recognizing the difference I find lately I’m a bit of both. The juggler in me is often out of necessity, and the conductor is out of intentionality. My juggling is not very life-giving though it’s entertaining. I do get some oohs and aahs, but that’s not why God put me on this planet. Juggling takes energy but conducting takes work. I believe I do that with God sometimes. I juggle when I get too busy and overextend myself. I end up taking the items in my life and simply focus on keeping them in the air. I juggle God, my marriage, my family, my work, my health, my finances etc. I develop a “just keep em movin” mentality. Juggling puts a lot of attention on me, and I know that is not God’s intention. The irony is that when I’m juggling, I be lieve I’m earning God’s applause with the “look at all I’m doing for you God.” The fallacy of that attitude is on the emphasis of “look at all I’m doing” unaware, my juggling has put the attention on me. My thoughts, my prayer life, my con versations, my attitude tends to place the effort, skill, talent and action on me. However, when I conduct, it comes from a place of tranquility and peace. I find that my life is on purpose. I’m rested. I have capacity and I’m in communion with Jesus. I love to conduct even though it requires much more discipline, re straint, humility and courage. I notice that when I conduct, I fade out of the spot light and God’s music surfaces through the collective “we” and not the “I”. Hence, I realize my greatest success is found when I conduct and not when I juggle. Therefore, I ask myself a simple question: “How can I juggle less and con duct more?” I find that the answer to that question can be very different for every body, but here are a few thoughts that help me. First, I need to understand and recognize the difference. Simply said, there are times I think I’m conducting when I’m really juggling. A little self-reflection and accountability tend to reveal that. Second, I must engage others. My default is too often to go it alone. Frankly, it’s simpler and requires less work. However, if there is no orchestra there is no need of a conductor. The lonely conductor finds himself looking like one of those car dealerships balloons, lonely waiving the arms and trying to get attention, but only receiving laughs. Perhaps when I feel lonely, it’s a sign I’m juggling too much. Lastly, I must be incredibly intentional. However, my inten tionality is not derived from my discipline, but my willingness to stop and hear God. I hear God when I am quiet, when I listen more and speak less, when I fol low a Psalm 1 pathway. I find that in doing these He becomes the conductor I desire to mimic, and the distracting juggler becomes far less necessary. Stephan N. Tchividjian is the president and founder of the National Christian Foundation South Florida. Visit to learn more.

items, and what is the fascination we have in watching, with wonder… the juggler juggle? My hunch is the juggler is doing this because the juggler has realized that he or she can earn a little extra income from the coins that are tossed their way, or they just simply enjoy the attention of the crowd. I’ve never met a person whose pri mary identification in life is that of a jug gler. Does a person grow up with a deep fascination and innate desire to become a world class juggler? Can someone have a calling to be a jug gler? I’ve meet people who will reveal that they have acquired this juggling talent; however, it’s usually after some

prodding around the ice breaker question, “tell me something about yourself that no one would know.” Usually, in my experience, the juggler is showcased at some sort of fair or party, where the act of juggling is more of a secondary focus, a means to an end, a way to get some laughs and make some money. The conductor The conductor, on the other hand, is usually only observed in one setting, a concert. Usually, the environment is a bit more scheduled and sophisticated. The conductor, unlike the juggler, is not acting alone. In fact, one rarely notices the conductor because the role of the conductor is to draw out the collective tal ent and skill of those being conducted. The conductor’s role is to produce a finely crafted melody from the collective talent. The conductor faces his or her members with their back to the very audience assembled to be entertained and mesmerized. The juggler on the other hand draws the attention to himself and always faces the audience. The conductor has nothing but a small wand, which only acts as an extension of the hand. The conductor and those being conducted are acting with defined purpose, working off a defined sheet of music. The jug gler is more random. The conductor reveals the best of others, even if they must push a little too hard. The juggler has no members other than himself and has no one to challenge him. The juggler’s act provides a momentary sense of fun. The conductor’s orchestra transports you to a place of awe.


10 NOVEMBER 2022

Good News • South Florida Edition

Franklin Graham: Our Unchanging God

It was a distinct privilege to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ this summer in London, where my father first preached in 1954. Thousands came to hear the Word of God, and His Spirit worked to bring hundreds to saving faith. We praise God! While in England, I was invited to appear on the TV program “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” broadcast by the BBC to a large audience. I have been with Piers in the past when he was with an other network, and he certainly can ask some penetrating questions. Among the topics we dis cussed was a Gallup poll which showed that only 47% of Americans believe in God, which is the lowest that Gallup has ever found. Piers mentioned similar percentages in other countries, including 48% in Australia. He said that believers in the United Kingdom now number

What really troubles me is the number of pulpits that fall prey to the whims of culture and fail miserably to declare the truth of God’s Word. Far too many preach ers are afraid of what their peers may say or what their congregations may think if they boldly proclaim the Scripture. Shame on them! The Bible has a lot to say about shepherds who lead their flocks astray by failing to feed them on the truth of Scrip ture. If you are in a church where the Word of God is not fully proclaimed, and the commands of Scripture are compromised, get out! Find a church home where Scripture is treasured and preached undiluted. Culture may say that homosexuality is OK. Well, it’s not OK with God. In Ro mans, He warns us that because people turn their backs on Him, His wrath will be poured out against unrighteousness and ungodliness. “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting” (Romans 1:26 28). Culture may insist that a person’s gender is determined by whim, not birth. “I feel like I am a girl; therefore, it doesn’t matter that my birth certificate and biological body state that I am a boy.” How tragic it is that schools are teaching impressionable young children that it’s acceptable to dress and act like a different gender than was given to them by God. Not only are they told it’s acceptable, but they actually are Since the Scriptures are the authorita tive Word of God and never change one iota, I will always preach and proclaim the whole counsel of God wherever I go. ” “ encouraged to transition. This is such a lie from the pit of hell, and it’s devastating to those who buy into its perverted logic. The Bible is clear. “From the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female’” (Mark 10:6). There is no such thing as a transgender person. Since the Scriptures are the authoritative Word of God and never change one iota, I will always preach and proclaim the whole counsel of God wherever I go. We are all born in sin and alienated and separated from a holy God. We walk under the sway of Satan, who seeks to blind us from the liberating power of God. But God, who is rich in mercy, sent His Son to die on a cross and rescue us from our sin and sinful ways. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). For those who repent of their sins, place their trust in Christ and receive Him into their hearts, there is no longer any condemnation, but forgiveness. We receive the gift of eternal life, so that we might be with Him forever. Death opens the door into the very presence of God. Not only is our life forever changed, but our lifestyles are also radically altered. We don’t become sinless, but we eagerly desire to sin less and less. We love to obey the commands of Scripture, and the culture’s grip on our hearts grows slack. Almighty God never changes. And a God who is unchanging in holiness, faith fulness and steadfast love makes it possible for anyone, in any age, to be changed from death to life, from darkness to light, from the dominion of the devil to the do minion of God. The times, they may be changing, but thank God, He never does. ©2022 BGEA Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version. Decision magazine, SEPTEMBER 2022; ©2022 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association; used by permission, all rights reserved. Photo: Shealah Craig head/©2022 BGEA

- Franklin Graham - President and CEO Samaritan’s Purse and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

less than a third of the population. The poll found that the most striking decline was among youngAmericans who defined themselves as liberals. God’s character, ways and attributes are forever and eternally fixed. They never change, from generation to gen eration, regardless of which way the winds of culture may be blowing. ” “ Piers asked me: “Why is religion going out of fashion?” I told him that it is not a question of fashion or religion. “The question is do you have a relationship with God’s Son, Jesus Christ,” I said. “It’s up to us to turn from our sins and accept Jesus Christ by faith.” Piers speculated that religion is declining because Bible-believing Christians are too preoccupied with sin. After a discussion about homosexuality, he told me, “Franklin, you should just think about this a bit more. Times are changing. People are changing.” That’s an important point for Christians as we deal with a changing world, and it’s one I’m glad to answer with what the Bible says. “God doesn’t change!” I told him. “He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.” Malachi 3:6 assures us, “For I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore, you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.” God’s character, ways and attributes are forever and eternally fixed. They never change, from generation to generation, regardless of which way the winds of culture may be blowing. In declaring that one day the entire earth will be changed when the Lord returns to establish His millennial Kingdom, Psalm 102 tells us, “Like a cloak You will change them, and they will be changed. But You are the same, and Your years will have no end” (102:26-27). Hebrews 13:8 emphatically proclaims, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” However, there is no doubt that the culture has changed radically in a very short time. We have gone from a society that recognized and encouraged the sanc tity of life and marriage to one that is virulently anti-life and constantly undermines the pivotal role of a stable family. Drugs, violence and immorality of every kind have swept over our world in ways that we never could have imagined just a few decades ago. Hostility toward Christianity and believers is found in virtually every segment of society — educa tion, politics, the public square.

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Good News • South Florida Edition

Inside the BLUE margins

Two and a half years ago our nation was hit with several storms, one being a pandemic, but during the pandemic there was political polar ization and civil unrest. Both the political polar ization and the civil unrest, I believe, acted as rocks, grinding against one another creating sparks of flames that would literally set our country on fire. The pandemic would serve as the gas that would ignite the blaze into flash fire. All this pain, all this unrest along with a po litical divide that was palpably felt in every inch of the social spectrum created a level of anxiety among Christ followers and non-believers alike. Heck, we all had that unsettling reality in com mon. In this article, I want to draw attention to a group of individuals that live under a similar sense of pressure every day, and this pressure is

National First Responders Day The first “National First Responders Day” was officially signed into law on Friday, October 28, 2022, by President Joe Biden. The holiday was initiated by Doug Stepeleton, of the Stacy Foun dation, ten years ago with the help of Congress man Mark Meadows (R-NC), who introduced the original resolution in the House. Seeking a way to honor first responders for their many sacrifices, Stepelton also helped create a non profit entitled Thank You First Responder, whose sole objective is honoring those who serve.Visit to learn more. For the entire Presidential Proclamation visit

- Darren Bennett - Pastor, Calvary Chapel North Miami

the very thing that bonds them together. It’s the community that lives within the boundaries of their safe place. Those safe boundaries are etched out by what we call the thin blue line. A long line of sheriff’s officers I’m very familiar with this community because I spent 10 years serving as a Broward Sheriff's Office deputy sheriff. I have a brother who spent 12 years serving as a deputy sheriff with the Broward Sheriff's Office before he passed away to Covid19. I also have a brother who served 25 years with the LA County Sheriff's Office before he retired. I know this community. I love this community. I now pastor this community. I started out as a volunteer chaplain for the North Miami Beach Police De partment in 2019. I was invited to rejoin the Broward Sheriff's Office as a full time associate chaplain in January 2022. Most people ask me how it is, spending so much time with police officers. My answer to that question is: I love it because I love them. They are human beings. They are a bit more sacrificial than the av erage human being, considering they’re willing to put their life on the line daily While this pandemic, as well as political and civil unrest, weigh heavily on so ciety, it has placed an even heavier burden on those who wear the badge. Many of you may remember the scrutiny police officers were under during this period of civil unrest because of some nefarious acts from horrible human beings, wearing the same honorable badge, yet dishonoring that badge and the thin blue line community with their actions. These egregious actions created an aroma that resulted in an allergic reaction. The aroma was the pain of racism that was felt in the past and still rears its ugly head in the present against black and brown human beings. From this reaction came a movement that demanded justice for the lives that were taken, but this movement also became enemy of an entire community of innocent police officers. I’ve made this statement publicly before, and I will make it again here. We cannot throw the baby out with the bathwater or pigeonhole an entire community, based on the actions of a few individuals that misrepresent that community. Sadly, that is exactly what happened. The Black Lives Matter movement became the solution to the cultural conundrum, when finding our true identity in Christ should always be the only answer. Many churches unwittingly got behind this movement, not knowing what it ac tually stood for, and what they were actually demanding. Other churches knew full for people that they don’t know. A cultural conundrum

well what this movement stood for and unapologetically flew the Black Lives Matter flag from their public platforms and pulpits. Some churches eventually disassociated themselves with BLM after deeper investigation of the movement while other churches doubled down. Unfortunately, in choosing sides and seeking to appease

others we all lost. The Church took a loss. Questions for the Church

So where are we two and a half years later? Here’s what I can tell you as I’ve pastored police through this most difficult season. Many of them have fled from the very churches where they used to feel safe. Many of them are hurt because their church leaders never did check to see how they were feeling amidst this very difficult season, but the church had no problem posting a BLM hashtag to assure a marginalized people group felt heard. The problem is while we the Church and society were fighting for the marginalized, we in turn created another community of marginalized individuals, the police. It has since been discovered that BLM was draining funds from the communities they claimed to care about for their own selfish personal gain, while crying to defund a thin blue line community that truly does care for people. The question I think we all should ponder is, do we the Church owe a public apology to the new marginalized thin blue line community? Should we make public declarations of allegiance to this new marginalized thin blue line community the same way we fought for our Black and Brown brothers and sisters and the pain they have felt and still feel. Does a Black or Brown police officer feel a double portion of marginalization? I’m just asking questions. Some solutions to this new problem would be to extend the olive branch of fel lowship to police officers. Perhaps a Law Enforcement Appreciation service on a Sunday morning?We can also facilitate outreach to different police districts, feeding the officers during the holidays when they’re out serving and everyone is home en joying their families. Perhaps greater emphasis on the National Faith and Blue ini tiative in October? Is there a newmarginalized group of individuals that feel dejected and rejected by society and the church that we the Church have an opportunity to reach? What about allowing the Gospel to remove the barriers we’ve put up and erase the margins? Darren Bennett is Pastor of Calvary Chapel North Miami and Chaplain at Broward Sheriff’s Office.

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14 NOVEMBER 2022

Good News • South Florida Edition

Are Family Traditions Important?

We are heading into a season of oppor tunity. For some families Thanksgiving and Christmas can help define who they are. For others these holidays are little more than eat ing and expense. Where do family traditions fit in? Traditions might just be the most impor tant part of this holiday season. In fact, Tevye, in “Fiddler on the Roof,” kept singing that tra ditions were the signposts that kept a family going in difficult times. Where did our traditions go? For some reason many homes left the traditions at grandma’s house. Traditions are the repetitive activities that can help children feel as if they are a part of a family that is special. In our very time conscious society, the only traditions many families do is eat turkey one day in No

- Dr. Bob Barnes and Torrey Roberts - Sheridan House FamilyMinistries

vember and buy too many gifts in December. Each of those activities are com pleted in a couple hours. These activities seem to add nothing but inches to our waste lines and balances to our credit cards. Certainly something more is needed. Family unity No one will take the time in bring back family traditions unless they can see the value. The first value added by family traditions is family unity. The children are made to feel as if they are part of something special if they can anticipate special, predictable events at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Take Thanksgiving for this month. When children participate in yearly tradi tions that only their family does, it helps them feel like they are part of something special. If their Thanksgiving is exactly the same as every other family’s eating feast, why come home for the holidays? It’s an opportunity to allow them to focus on the unique and individuality of their particular home. The comfort of predictability The child will love it and the teen might baulk, but eventually the traditions will help them feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Today’s child has many stresses on them. Traditions can even help comfort a child with familiarity and make him feel as if his family is unique, in a good way. Thanksgiving offers us the opportunity for special foods that might seem strange to other children but comfortably predictable to the child who has grown up with mom’s traditional string bean casserole. The child might never say, “I appreciate the fact that you always make this casserole,” but wait until the year mom doesn’t make it. “Hey, mom where’s the casserole?” They come to expect the comfort of predictability. Particular kinds of food are a major part of family traditions, but that’s just the beginning. This is also an opportunity to reunite with extended family. Yes, everyone has family members that are different. Extended family members we would prefer not to invite. (I know that because I seem to get invited less and less each year.) But that’s still family and there are lessons to be taught about odd people like obnoxious Uncle Bob. Thanksgiving ushers in the traditional lesson that a child has people who care for them, and who extend beyond his or her immediate family. Making it meaningful The most instructive tradition, however, is to create and maintain a tradition of purpose. What is the purpose of Thanksgiving? For that we have to go back to the root of this holiday, the first Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving was actually held in a time of crisis, a much bigger

crisis than our economy. A harsh winter and a shortage of food left the Pilgrims obviously dependent upon God for the rescue. Sure enough, God, as He always does, rescued the Pilgrims through the assistance of their neighbors, the native Americans of that region. The first Thanksgiving was started just as its name implies, as a tradition of gratitude to God for meeting their needs abundantly. This too can be a time of fear for the American child. The whole nation is fearfully and continually focused on the difficult economy, elections and other social strains. A child would have to be in a bubble to miss the way people are talking about the future. A revival of the tradition of true thanks giving has never been more needed in this generation. In our house we start Thanksgiving week each year by taping a large sheet of poster board to the refrigerator with a pen close at hand. Each family member and visitor takes the time to write things on the poster board that he or she is grateful for, things God has done in their lives. We personalize it by putting our initials next to what we write. This tradition of writing needs to start with mom and dad because it is important to lead by example. On Thanksgiving Day the poster board is read at the table. The purpose of this tradition is obvious. We want to create an attitude of gratefulness to God and a confidence in God. The most meaningful Thanksgiving tradition is to bring this holiday back to its original intent, the tradition of thanking God for His blessings. It also offers another opportunity to remind the children what our family stands for. The tra dition is about more than turkey. It’s about confidence in the power of God, a tradition today’s child is desperate for! Visit for more advice from Dr. Bob Barnes and Tor rey Roberts.

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16 NOVEMBER 2022

Good News • South Florida Edition

Living Legacies of Thankfulness and Faith

Two verses come to mind. God speaks to us through His scriptures and often to me through songs: As it relates to our legacy, two verses come to mind: The first reminds me that I can trust Him. “All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians: 16-18). And three songs: The “Circle of Life,” “Pass it On” and “Great is Thy Faith fulness.” All of us have a "Circle of Life," none of us escape the scars, but we choose what our legacy will be. We will "Pass It On" for better or worse, but Great is God's Faithfulness. called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). The second is that He is faithful.

"Circle of Life" is a song from Disney's 1994 animated film The Lion King. It's the story of Mufasa, king of the Pride Lands and the father of Simba. During his reign, Mufasa was killed by his envious brother Scar. Mu fasa taught his son Simba how past kings lived in the stars and would always be there to guide him in times of need. Despite his death, Mufasa endures in the memories of his loved ones. We can all see Mufasa sit ting on the top of the mountain overlooking the kingdom as Elton John is singing the fol lowing lyrics. “From the day we arrive on the planet. And blinking, step into the Sun. There's more to be seen than can ever be seen,

- Lisa May - Executive Director, Live the Life South Florida

More to do than can ever be done. Some say eat or be eaten. Some say live and let live. But all are agreed as they join the stampede. You should never take more than you give. In the circle of life, it’s the wheel of fortune, it’s the leap of faith, it’s the band of hope, till we find our place on the path unwinding in the circle, the circle of life. Some of us fall by the wayside and some of us soar to the stars. Some of us sail through our troubles and some have to live with the scars. There's far too much to take in here. More to find than can ever be found. But the Sun rolling high through the sapphire sky keeps great and small on the endless round. In the circle of life.” Our circle of life and living legacy We all have our circle of life and a living legacy that continues beyond our time on earth. I recently had the blessing of attending a bridal shower. I listened as women shared the heritage of the relationships and connected ness of the people attending. There were two groups of women: the Mufasas (the mothers) and the Simbas (the daughters). The mothers shared their stories of friendships with the other women in the room, and the bride shared

the stories of her relationships with the different Simbas. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Those same mothers had attended graduations and birthday parties and given the baby and bridal showers for each other's sons and daugh ters. There were Mufasas who had been friends since they were 5 years old, and Simbas who were friends from birth. It was a beautiful picture of the circle of life. Stories of marriage and faith Most notable was the sharing of the mothers’ stories of marriage and faith. What marriage represented, what it required, and the profound blessing it pro vided if we endured. “One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4). As I listened to stories of loss and happiness, I was thankful for our freedom to publicly pray and profess God's goodness and love. So grateful that He takes all our brokenness and "circles of life" and redeems them so that we have an eternal legacy. A legacy of faith and trust in our King Jesus.

Live the Life South Florida exists to strengthen marriages and families through healthy relationship education, beginning in middle school through senior adults. We are educators, coaches, and pastoral counselors. If you're looking for a clinical counselor or therapist, we are blessed to have many in the South Florida community. We'd be honored to provide you a list of highly qualified and reputable individuals. Visit

18 NOVEMBER 2022 YOU ASK WHY Giving Thanks in All Circumstances! Really?

Good News • South Florida Edition

Because Thanksgiving is just around the corner, I thought this would be a good time to sharpen our focus on living a life marked by thanksgiving to God, a life grounded in these words from the apostle Paul to the church at Thessalonica and all believers everywhere: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessa lonians 5:18). On the surface, this seems far easier said (or written) than done. So, let’s go below the surface to see exactly what Paul is actually saying. There are two very important things to notice in this command from Paul. First, Paul was not commanding us to give thanks for everything that happens in our lives. To be

- Tommy Boland - Cross Community Church Pastor

sure, there are some really evil things that happen and we are not being told to give thanks for that. Remember, evil does not come from God so we are not to thank Him for it in anyway. Rather, we are commanded to give thanks in every thing, because our God is present in all of it with us, and He is working all things together for our ultimate good. Second, notice that Paul was not commanding us to feel thankful in all circumstances; rather, we are to give thanks in all cir cumstances. Whether we feel like it or not, we are to give thanks in all circum stances, and that includes those times when the storm winds of life are blowing, and we don’t feel particularly happy, blessed or thankful. When the sky is blue, the clouds are fleecy and the sun is brightly shinning, it is easy to give thanks and praise and glory to God. It takes little or no effort to be thankful when everything is going our way: our boss has given us a raise . . . we have passed our medical check-up with flying colors . . . there is money in the bank . . . and there is harmony in the home. Thanks just flows from our hearts to heaven when we are in these happy seasons. But what about those days when the sun disappears behind storm clouds and the waves of challenge crash over us? That’s when giving thanks is far more difficult. Heaven seems silent, God seems distant, and a heart filled with thanksgiving feels as far from us as the east is from the west. Sacrifice of thanksgiving Yet Paul does not give us any qualifications or stipulations in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 for giving thanks. He simply commands the child of God to give thanks, re gardless of the circumstances we are facing in life. I think this command helps us understand the meaning of the “sacrifice of thanksgiving” the psalmist wrote about: “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving. The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me” (Psalm 50:14 ESV). There are two things the psalmist could have been thinking about when he wrote these words. First, he might have been picturing the five types of sacrifices (or offerings) Israel was to offer to God. These all would have come under the heading of the “peace offering” offered to God for His deliverance from distress, disease and even death. The second idea, which I believe the inspired writer was primarily keeping in view here, was not an actual ceremonial sacrifice but a simple expression of thanksgiving to God as the “fruit of our lips” (Hosea 14:2). This is a public proclamation of praise and thanks to the Lord, and it is indeed a sacrifice when it is given in all circumstances – in plenty and in want, in health and in sick ness, in good and in bad, in the delightful and in the difficult. Keep Christ in view But how do we do this? The only way to give thanks in all circumstances is to keep the sacrifice of our Savior in view. If we lose sight of what Jesus did for

us on the cross, we begin to live more and more according to our own feelings, desires and expectations. At that level of living, praise and thanksgiving only flows from us when we are feeling good, achieving our desires and having our expec tations met. But we are living as broken people in a broken world; more often than not, we feel badly when we have not achieved our desires and we find our selves facing unmet expectations. This is why we must keep the sacrifice Jesus made for us in view. The clearer our view of the cross work of Christ, the more we will live ac cording to God’s perfect plan and purpose for our imperfect lives. Often life does not go according to our plans. Because God is God and knows what is best for us, He often causes us to walk down unplanned paths of painful providences. This is when giving thanks and praise to God becomes sacrificial. When we don’t feel thankful because of the trials that confront us, we must press all the more deeply into the presence of our Lord, where we will receive the strength to praise His mighty name. It is only when we are in close proximity to Jesus that we will be reminded that God is working all things together for our good and His glory. Remember, when your circumstances are changing — even when they are changing for the worse — your God is unchanging. The epistle to the Hebrews puts it this way: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (He brews 13:8). Jesus was for you. Jesus is for you. Jesus will be for you forever and ever. That knowledge alone should empower every child of God to be filled with thanksgiving and an attitude of gratitude, regardless of the ever-changing circumstances we face on this side of heaven. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and remember to give thanks in all circum stances. Really! This is the Gospel. This is grace for your race. NEVER FORGET THAT . . . AMEN! Dr. Tommy Boland is senior pastor of Cross Community Church in Deerfield Beach ( He blogs regularly at


20 NOVEMBER 2022

Good News • South Florida Edition

University And Local Business Partnerships Bring Great Results

At Palm Beach Atlantic University, as we’re getting ready to announce some exciting plans for our Rinker School of Business, we’ve been thinking much about the powerful results that come when a university collaborates with local businesses. You might consider the practicalities of the business world as far removed from the “ivory tower of academia.” But that tower is an unfortunate image, and the phrase certainly doesn’t describe what’s happening at PBA. Sure, we’re serious about rigorous academ ics, but we don’t climb up into a tower of priv ileged seclusion. Instead, we belong to an ever-growing learning community that thrives in partnership with like-minded leaders in

- Dr. Debra A. Schwinn - Palm Beach Atlantic University President

businesses and organizations all around us. For a great example of this collaboration, meet Ray andA.J. Titus of United Fran chise Group™ (UFG), a West Palm Beach business with a global reach. The com pany has 1,600 franchisees in more than 60 countries. Ray is founder and CEO, while his son A.J. is president of United Franchise Group and president of Sig narama®, the largest franchise brand affiliate at UFG. A.J. gets some credit for getting UFG involved with PBA, because he earned his international business degree at the university. Before long, the company was of fering a business competition for PBAstudents and admiring the performance of in terns hired from the university. “It’s becoming apparent to the business community that PBA is where you go if you want to get good staff down the road,” said Ray. Giving back to the community UFG encourages its franchise owners to get involved in their communities, so as UFG grew, Ray began to consider how the company could increase its service to the West Palm Beach area. “This was one of my dreams,” he said, “to give back in the community.” He and his wife, Andrea, sat down and talked about making a large commitment to a local organization, agreeing that it had to be an organization that shared their values and the high ethical standards UFG holds. Such shared values, of course, also are the key when the university considers partnerships. PBA leaders had appreciated the Christian faith and “walk” they ob served in the Titus family, so they were thrilled when UFGmade a major gift in 2017 to establish the Titus Center for Franchising at Palm BeachAtlantic University. Dedicated to “educating the next franchise generation,” the center caught on quickly among students in the Rinker School of Business. Directed by longtime fran chise expert Dr. John P. Hayes, the Titus Center has helped students master the principles of business franchising while also providing professional education for peo ple who want to work in franchising, buy a franchise, or franchise their business. Advisory board entrepreneurs “I see it as a huge success,” said Ray. One measure of that success is that the center’s advisory board has attracted 75 members from the franchise community. These are busy entrepreneurs who devote a significant amount of time and energy supporting the program. “It’s a win-win situation,” said Ray. Students gain mentorships and opportunities within successful franchises, while franchise owners gain great interns and future employees. A.J. Titus observed that these advisory board members “come for the vision” of the franchise center, “and they stay” because of the caliber of the students. Among those board members is Eddie Rodriguez, a Wendy’s Company franchise owner and chairman of WenCo Restaurant Group. Eddie was honored on November 3rd

Ray and A.J. Titus of United Franchise Group™

as a companion medalist in PBA’s American Free Enterprise Day celebration. Last year in that event Ray Titus won the top award, theAmerican Free EnterpriseMedal. Titus Center Advisory Board members and others in the business community enjoy coming to programs sponsored by the center. “Your best idea could come from that next meeting,” said Ray, “and your best new employee could come from the Titus Center.” I’ve had the privilege of attending some Titus Center events: upbeat gatherings that pull together a wonderful mix of creative, energetic business people and eager to-learn students. I see lots of seeds planted for future business success. And speaking of the future, remember how I mentioned some exciting plans for our Rinker School of Business? Shh! I can’t reveal the details yet, but they’ll be an nounced soon. Keep an eye on the PBAwebsite: This much I can tell you: major opportunities are on the way for new, meaningful partnerships between the business school and leaders throughout South Florida. Dr. Debra A. Schwinn, a physician, researcher and innovator, is president of Palm Beach Atlantic University. (

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